Saturday, 6 October 2007

My love

You are who makes smile in this reality of sadness,cause you are a breeze of innocence and my way to happiness.

The road of my life is in dark without you ,but the candles of your kindness lighten my whole life
with you.

You brought me a whisper of love that will still forever,and you have a peacful speech which coming from your lovely heart.

My soul will be hurt if you ever left me,cause you are the most helpful joy to me.

Just for you,words become soft cause the origin of the beauties of the springrainbow comes from you.

You are the angel who made a bridge of hope over the lake of my miserable life,so I'll miss you
day and night.

You gave me another sense beside my five senses,the sense of feeling your noble soul.

Your love is kept in the deepest places in my heart,neither days or hour can erase it.

Whenever I met you,you prove to me that your inner dignity and honesty is beyond doubt.

When I say my talk without thinking and be happy and sad at the same time,then know that
I can't live without your love.

I'm happy when you surround me with your charming spirit ,sad when you far away and be dainty.

Oh baby you made me laugh in the times of desperation,cause your caprise turned my depression into pleasure.

Therefore all I need a satisfaction look from you,and I'll always missing you day and night.

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